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Making America Greg Again

I think a lot of what I learned in church, family, and elementary school were good things to learn. Things like the Golden Rule and Good Citizenship, and a certain amount of patriotism, in between reading and writing and arithmetic. I’ve always looked at politics with those lessons in mind. How can we make our world better, for the most people and hand our children a better one than we were born into. 

When a TV star chose to run for President and by only appealing to PARTS of America, and coined the dubious phrase “Make America Great Again”, to sell hats and dubious ideas, I took exception. I took umbrage, even. During a 2020 pandemic-aggravated kitchen outburst, one of my audience of 3 spouted “We need to Make America GREG Again!” Being a wellspring of half-baked ideas,  just a few days later, I had a URL, and a Facebook page, and, about one story idea. Now I have a few more. 

If you actually think about that bumper sticker slogan, seriously, you have to ask some questions. What was so great? When, exactly, were we great enough? Are we not great now? What do we lose if we try to go backwards?

I started to spend money, prematurely, on “development of the property”. Someone I hired to dothis wrote the next paragraph for me, to fill the space on an otherwise empty website. It’s not my style, and they definitely misread my intentions or sense of irony and sarcasm, but it’s amusing and somewhat partially true, so I’ll leave it there for a while. I would add that science is also a main focus, and I began to gravitate toward Benjamin Franklin as a mentor of sorts. At least an inspiration. And also that I try to mash politics and science, and music, and literature, and pop culture, and even sports, but mostly to make the point that working together and civil behavior is what most people would choose over conflict, violence, and oppression. Here’s the faulty introduction.

“Welcome to Make America Greg Again! I’m Greg and trust me when I say I don’t hold anything back. This blog is entirely free of censorship. If something is on my mind, I’m going to vent about it! Politics are my main focus. I lean right but I’m a reasonable guy that can see both sides. That’s something that you NEVER see on TV. They see everything in either red or blue goggles. Me? I’m color blind. As a result, I can filter out the lies from the truth. Tune in to see my unique take on the biggest events of the day that affect you. I’ll give you my 100% honest opinion, and I may use some ugly words.”

I CAN see both sides. It’s just one side is wrong most of the time. And I’m tired of the word-shaming. Words, by themselves are not ugly, only the bad faith use by ugly people. With that, I invite you listen and read….

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